I want to calculate student rank based on their obtmarks as per below tables. Suppose any student scored highest marks in their class but he/she fail in any one subjects then they shouldn't consider for rank.
1. Table name is "resultdata"
Total marks of full marks is(1000)
pass marks is 33
ID | subject ID | subject | fullmarks | obtmarks |passmarks
1 | 1 | HINDI | 100 | 80 | 33
2 | 2 | ENGLISH | 100 | 90 | 33
3 | 3 | MATHEMATICS | 100 | 76 | 33
4 | 4 | SOCIAL SCIENCE| 100 | 69 | 33
like that others subjects also.
2. Table name is "result"
ID|result | student |student|mother |father |class|term/ |rollno|section|
|date | ID |name |name |name | |semester | | |
1 |11.09.2019| 1 |Jasmine|Eliana |Ritesh | 8 |1st Term | 10 | A |
2 |11.09.2019| 2 |Kiyas |Fanny |Rajnish| 10 |1st Term | 1 | B |
3 |11.09.2019| 3 |Ena |Rashmi |Prakash| 9 |1st Term | 12 | C |
4 |11.09.2019| 4 |Sunaina|Ankita |Chander| 7 |1st Term | 15 | A |
5 |11.09.2019| 5 |Ankit |Sujata |Roy | 8 |1st Term | 11 | B |
6 |11.09.2019| 6 |Krishna|Bala |Gopal | 8 |1st Term | 5 | C |
7 |11.09.2019| 7 |Ranga |Hima |Hitesh | 9 |1st Term | 7 | A |
8 |11.09.2019| 8 |Suraj |Priya |Hemal | 7 |1st Term | 10 | B |
9 |11.09.2019| 9 |Saurabh|Archana|Suyog | 10 |1st Term | 9 | B |
3. Table name is "subjects"
ID | subject | fullmarks | passmarks
1 | HINDI | 100 | 33
2 | ENGLISH | 100 | 33
3 | MATHEMATICS | 100 | 33
4 | SOCIAL SCIENCE | 100 | 33
5 | Computer | 50 | 20
like that others subjects also.
ID of subjects table and subjectID of resultdata table has relationship.
How to resolve this issue using a formula or vba code?
- Condition1: Calculate every student rank on basis of their total obtained marks. But any student has failed in any subjects they will not consider for TOP 10 rank.
- Condition 2: Calculate every student rank on basis of their total obtained marks.
I tried this formula in query but it does not work:
Rank: DCount("*","resultdata","[fullmarks]>" & [obtmarks])+1