I am trying to use the multiprocessing package of python in this way:
featureClass = [[1000,k,1] for k in drange(start,end,step)] #list of arguments
for f in featureClass:
pool .apply_async(worker, args=f,callback=collectMyResult)
From processes of the pool I want to avoid waiting those which take more than 60s to return its result. Is that possible?
Here's a way you can do this without needing to change your worker
function. The idea is to wrap the worker in another function, which will call worker
in a background thread, and then wait for a result for for timeout
seconds. If the timeout expires, it raises an exception, which will abruptly terminate the thread worker
is executing in:
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from functools import partial
def worker(x, y, z):
pass # Do whatever here
def collectMyResult(result):
print("Got result {}".format(result))
def abortable_worker(func, *args, **kwargs):
timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', None)
p = ThreadPool(1)
res = p.apply_async(func, args=args)
out = res.get(timeout) # Wait timeout seconds for func to complete.
return out
except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
print("Aborting due to timeout")
if __name__ == "__main__":
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
featureClass = [[1000,k,1] for k in drange(start,end,step)] #list of arguments
for f in featureClass:
abortable_func = partial(abortable_worker, worker, timeout=3)
pool.apply_async(abortable_func, args=f,callback=collectMyResult)
Any function that timeouts will raise multiprocessing.TimeoutError
. Note that this means your callback won't execute when a timeout occurs. If this isn't acceptable, just change the except
block of abortable_worker
to return something instead of calling raise
we can use gevent.Timeout to set time of worker running . gevent tutorial
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
#you should install gevent.
from gevent import Timeout
from gevent import monkey
import time
def worker(sleep_time):
seconds = 5 # max time the worker may run
timeout = Timeout(seconds)
print "%s is a early bird"%sleep_time
print "%s is late(time out)"%sleep_time
pool = Pool(4)
pool.map(worker, range(10))
0 is a early bird
1 is a early bird
2 is a early bird
3 is a early bird
4 is a early bird
8 is late(time out)
5 is late(time out)
6 is late(time out)
7 is late(time out)
9 is late(time out)