I am try to make a simple column visual where the rects have a height that is determined by a scale:
var heightScale = d3.scaleLinear()
My code is like this
var margins = {top:100, left:80, bottom:40, right:20};
var width = 950;
var height = 600;
var totalWidth = width+margins.left+margins.right;
var totalHeight = height+margins.top+margins.bottom;
var svg = d3.select('body')
.attr('width', totalWidth)
.attr('height', totalHeight);
var graphGroup = svg.append("g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margins.left + "," + margins.top + ")");
var q12018Data = [{'fmc': 'UBS', 'value': 2308.78},
{'fmc': 'Fidelity', 'value': 976.76},
{'fmc': 'JP Morgan', 'value': 837.19},
{'fmc': 'Value Partners', 'value': 787.39},
{'fmc': 'BlackRock', 'value': 664.42},
{'fmc': 'Krane', 'value': 445.13},
{'fmc': 'Investec', 'value': 407.40},
{'fmc': 'Nikko', 'value': 356.07},
{'fmc': 'Yuanta', 'value': 202.71},
{'fmc': 'Cathay Securities Invest', 'value': 174.46}];
var q22018Data = [{'fmc': 'UBS', 'value': 2193.05},
{'fmc': 'BlackRock', 'value': 817.24},
{'fmc': 'Yuanta', 'value': 676.87},
{'fmc': 'Fubon', 'value': 660.11},
{'fmc': 'JP Morgan', 'value': 577.26},
{'fmc': 'Investec', 'value': 384.65},
{'fmc': 'Hang Seng', 'value': 289.92},
{'fmc': 'Cathay Securities Invest', 'value': 289.43},
{'fmc': 'Pictet', 'value': 232.74},
{'fmc': 'Nikko', 'value': 224.73}];
var q32018Data = [{'fmc': 'ChinaAMC', 'value': 1074},
{'fmc': 'Fubon', 'value': 466.32},
{'fmc': 'Heungkuk', 'value': 458.23},
{'fmc': 'BlackRock', 'value': 361.34},
{'fmc': 'UBS', 'value': 350.01},
{'fmc': 'CSOP', 'value': 263.60},
{'fmc': 'Legal & General', 'value': 218.79},
{'fmc': 'SSgA', 'value': 188.35},
{'fmc': 'Fidelity', 'value': 134.06},
{'fmc': 'Morgan Stanley', 'value': 112.70}];
var q42018Data = [{'fmc': 'ChinaAMC', 'value': 1994.02},
{'fmc': 'Fubon', 'value': 808.34},
{'fmc': 'Heungkuk', 'value': 676.26},
{'fmc': 'BlackRock', 'value': 668.64},
{'fmc': 'UBS', 'value': 595.27},
{'fmc': 'CSOP', 'value': 424.83},
{'fmc': 'Legal & General', 'value': 380.30},
{'fmc': 'SSgA', 'value': 366.85},
{'fmc': 'Fidelity', 'value': 285.09},
{'fmc': 'Morgan Stanley', 'value': 273.55}];
var q12019Data = [{'fmc': 'UBS', 'value': 938.23},
{'fmc': 'BlackRock', 'value': 474.45},
{'fmc': 'Yuanta', 'value': 385.32},
{'fmc': 'Fubon', 'value': 349.73},
{'fmc': 'JP Morgan', 'value': 246.86},
{'fmc': 'Investec', 'value': 235.12},
{'fmc': 'Hang Seng', 'value': 230.23},
{'fmc': 'Cathay Securities Invest', 'value': 220.02},
{'fmc': 'Pictet', 'value': 213.76},
{'fmc': 'Nikko', 'value': 190.73}];
var heightScale = d3.scaleLinear()
var column = graphGroup.selectAll("g")
.attr("width", 150)
.attr("height", function(d) {return heightScale(d.value)})
.attr('y', function(d,i) {
if (i!=0) {
var prevData = column.data()[i-1];
var prevHeight = heightScale(prevData.value);
var currentHeight = heightScale(d.value);
return prevHeight;
} else {
return 0;
.attr("x", 75)
.attr('y', function(d,i) {
if (i!=0) {
var prevData = column.data()[i-1];
var prevHeight = heightScale(prevData.value);
var currentHeight = heightScale(d.value);
return prevHeight;
} else {
return 0;
.text(function(d) { return d.fmc; });
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script>
Why is my rect height of the previous rect not being calculated correctly? The result should be similar to a stacked bar in appearance. There is no y scale though, I just want to append the subsequent rect so that there is just a few px of padding, say 2px.