I am using Hadoop version 2.7 and its FileSystem API. The question is about "how to count partitions with the API?" but, to put it into a software problem, I am coping here a Spark-Shell script... The concrete question about the script is
The variable parts
below is counting the number of table partitions, or other thing?
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import spark.implicits._
val warehouse = "/apps/hive/warehouse" // the Hive default location for all databases
val db_regex = """\.db$""".r // filter for names like "*.db"
val tab_regex = """\.hive\-staging_""".r // signature of Hive files
val trStrange = "[\\s/]+|[^\\x00-\\x7F]+|[\\p{Cntrl}&&[^\r\n\t]]+|\\p{C}+".r //mark
def cutPath (thePath: String, toCut: Boolean = true) : String =
if (toCut) trStrange.replaceAllIn( thePath.replaceAll("^.+/", ""), "@") else thePath
val fs_get = FileSystem.get( sc.hadoopConfiguration )
fs_get.listStatus( new Path(warehouse) ).foreach( lsb => {
val b = lsb.getPath.toString
if (db_regex.findFirstIn(b).isDefined)
fs_get.listStatus( new Path(b) ).foreach( lst => {
val lstPath = lst.getPath
val t = lstPath.toString
var parts = -1
var size = -1L
if (!tab_regex.findFirstIn(t).isDefined) {
try {
val pp = fs_get.listStatus( lstPath )
parts = pp.length // !HERE! partitions?
pp.foreach( p => {
try { // SUPPOSING that size is the number of bytes of table t
size = size + fs.getContentSummary(p.getPath).getLength
} catch { case _: Throwable => }
} catch { case _: Throwable => }
}) // x warehouse loop
System.exit(0) // get out from spark-shell
This is only an example to show the focus: the correct scan and semantic interpretation of the Hive default database FileSystem structure, using Hive FileSystem API. The script sometimes need some memory, but is working fine. Run with sshell --driver-memory 12G --executor-memory 18G -i teste_v2.scala > output.csv
Note: the aim here is not to count partitions by any other method (e.g. HQL DESCRIBE
or Spark Schema), but to use the API for it... For control and for data quality checks, the API is important as a kind of "lower level measurement".