OAuth2.0 Server stack how to use state to prevent

2019-01-22 04:06发布


I am using PHP library for OAuth2.0 v20

In draft20, there is a mention of the use of state to prevent CSRF

So far, my own web app that implements this PHP library allows the following:

  1. 3 legged authentication using Authorization Code Request
  2. 2 legged authentication using Resource Owner Credentials Grant
  3. a Request that refreshes an access token

Do I need to use state for all of the 3 situations above?

If so, what is a good example of "state"?

what makes a good "state"?

Any ideal length? Any minimum length? Any maximum length?

Any ideal makeup? alphanumeric including upper case?


Just for #1 -- 3-legged authorization using Authorization Code flow.

When your application exchanges the authorization code for an access token, you want to be sure that the OAuth flow which resulted in the authorization code provided was actually initiated by the legitimate user. So, before the client application kicks off the OAuth flow by redirecting the user to the provider, the client application creates a random state value and typically store it in a server-side session. Then, as the user completes the OAuth flow, you check to make sure state value matches the value stored in the user's server-side session-- as that indicates the user had initiated the OAuth flow.

A state value should typically be a pseudo-random unguessable value. A simple value can be generated as an int with the rand() function in PHP, though you could get more complex as well to provide greater assurance.

The state exists to prevent things like me sending you a link via e-mail which contains an authorization code for my account, you clicking on it and the application pushing all the data into my account unbeknownst to you.

Some additional information is in the OAuth 2.0 threat model document: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-threatmodel-00

In particular, see the section on CSRF protection: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-26#section-10.12


It might be helpful to step through an example CSRF exploit in order to understand how a state parameter mitigates such an attack. In this example Mallory is the attacker and Alice is the victim.

The Attack

  1. Mallory visits some client's website and starts the process of authorizing that client to access some service provider using OAuth

  2. The client asks the service provider for permission to request access on Mallory's behalf, which is granted

  3. Mallory is redirected to the service provider's website, where she would normally enter her username/password in order to authorize access

  4. Instead, Mallory traps/prevents this request and saves its URL

  5. Now, Mallory somehow gets Alice to visit that URL. If Alice is logged-in to the service provider with her own account, then her credentials will be used to issue an authorization code

  6. The authorization code is exchanged for an access token

  7. Now Mallory's account on the client is authorized to access Alice's account on the service provider

So, how do we prevent this using the state parameter?


  1. The client should create a value that is somehow based on the original user's account (a hash of the user's session key, for example). It doesn't matter what it is as long as it's unique and generated using some private, unguessable information about the original user.

  2. This value is passed to the service provider in the redirect from step three above

  3. Now, when Mallory gets Alice to visit the saved URL (step five above), that URL includes the state parameter generated with Mallory's session information

  4. The authorization code is issued and sent back to the client in Alice's session along with Mallory's state parameter

  5. The client generates a new state value based on Alice's session information and compares it to the state value that was sent back from the authorization request to the service provider. This value does not match the state parameter on the request, because that state value was generated based on Mallory's session information, so it is rejected.

An attacker should not be able to generate a state value for any specific user and, therefore, tricking a user into visiting their authorization URL has no effect.


As the "state" is just a random string, making something like this should do the trick:

$state = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));

Just remember to save it in your session so you can check it later on.