Let's say I have these arrays
my @new = qw/a b c d e/;
my @old = qw/a b d e f/;
and I would like to them compared, so I get 3 new arrays containing the differences
- an array with the elements that are in
and not in @old
: c
- an array with the elements that are not in
and in @old
: f
- an array with the elements that are in both
and @old
: a b d e
I am thinking about the exists
function, but that only works for hashes I suppose.
Update: I messed up the letter examples.
Here's a function that I've used many, many times.
sub compute_sets {
my ($ra, $rb) = @_;
my (@a, @b, @ab, %a, %b, %seen);
@a{@$ra} = ();
@b{@$rb} = ();
foreach (keys %a, keys %b) {
next if $seen{$_}++;
if (exists $a{$_} && exists $b{$_}) {
push(@ab, $_);
elsif (exists $a{$_}) {
push(@a, $_);
else {
push(@b, $_);
return(\@a, \@b, \@ab);
It returns references to arrays containing the elements in the first/second/both lists:
my @new = qw/a b c d e/;
my @old = qw/a b d e f/;
my ($new_only, $old_only, $both) = compute_sets(\@new, \@old);
say 'new only: ', join ' ', @$new_only; # c
say 'old only: ', join ' ', @$old_only; # f
say 'both: ', join ' ', @$both; # e a b d
See How do I compute the difference of two arrays? How do I compute the intersection of two arrays? in the Perl FAQ.
UPDATE2: As Michael Carman points out, my algorithm will fail if elements repeat. So a fixed solution uses one more hash:
my (%count, %old);
$count{$_} = 1 for @new;
$old{$_}++ or $count{$_}-- for @old;
# %count is now really like diff(1)
my (@minus, @plus, @intersection);
foreach (keys %count) {
push @minus, $_ if $count{$_} < 0;
push @plus, $_ if $count{$_} > 0;
push @intersection, $_ if $count{$_} == 0;
UPDATE: Looks like this solution also covers what's in the FAQ:
push @difference, $_ if $count{$_};
push @union, $_;
List::Compare handles this type of problem.
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Compare;
my @new = qw/a b c d e/;
my @old = qw/a b d e f/;
my $lc = List::Compare->new(\@new, \@old);
# an array with the elements that are in @new and not in @old : c
my @Lonly = $lc->get_Lonly;
print "\@Lonly: @Lonly\n";
# an array with the elements that are not in @new and in @old : f
my @Ronly = $lc->get_Ronly;
print "\@Ronly: @Ronly\n";
# an array with the elements that are in both @new and @old : a b d e
my @intersection = $lc->get_intersection;
print "\@intersection: @intersection\n";
** prints
@Lonly: c
@Ronly: f
@intersection: a b d e
How about:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my @new = qw/a b c d e/;
my @old = qw/a b d e f/;
my %new = map{$_ => 1} @new;
my %old = map{$_ => 1} @old;
my (@new_not_old, @old_not_new, @new_and_old);
foreach my $key(@new) {
if (exists $old{$key}) {
push @new_and_old, $key;
} else {
push @new_not_old, $key;
foreach my $key(@old) {
if (!exists $new{$key}) {
push @old_not_new, $key;
print Dumper\@new_and_old;
print Dumper\@new_not_old;
print Dumper\@old_not_new;
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