The following code displays the position of "word" if it appears once in the string. How can i change my code so that if the "word" appears more than once in the string, it will print all positions?
string = input("Please input a sentence: ")
word = input("Please input a word: ")
list1 = string.split(' ')
position = list1.index(word)
location = (position+1)
print("You're word, {0}, is in position {1}".format (word, location))
sentence = input("Please input a sentence: ")
word = input("Please input a word: ")
sentence = sentence.lower()
word = word.lower()
wordlist = sentence.split(' ')
print ("Your word '%s' is in these positions:" % word)
for position,w in enumerate(wordlist):
if w == word:
print("%d" % position + 1)
Use enumerate
[i for i, w in enumerate(s.split()) if w == 'test']
s = 'test test something something test'
[0, 1, 4]
But i guess it's not what you are looking for, if you need starting indexes for words in a string i would recommend to use re.finditer
import re
[w.start() for w in re.finditer('test', s)]
And the output for the same s
would be:
[0, 5, 30]
Another solution that does not split on space.
def multipos(string, pattern):
res = []
count = 0
while True:
pos = string.find(pattern)
if pos == -1:
res += [pos+count]
count += pos+1
string = string[pos+1:]
return res
test = "aaaa 123 bbbb 123 cccc 123"
res = multipos("aaaa 123 bbbb 123 cccc 123", "123")
print res
for a in res:
print test[a:a+3]
And the script output :
% python
[5, 14, 23]