Using ansible, I need to put a list of hosts in line in a file like so:
["", "", ""]
But whenever I achieve this format, ansible interprets it as a list and the content of the file is this pythonic version:
['', '', '']
Here's my attempts to get it out thus far:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: False
- set_fact:
# This comes out as a list, I need a string
- set_fact:
var: "[ \"{{ myhosts | join('\", \"')}}\" ]"
- debug: var=var
# This comes out as a string, but I need no underscore on it
- set_fact:
var: "_[ \"{{ myhosts | join('\", \"')}}\" ]"
- debug: var=var
# This also comes out as a list
- set_fact:
var: >
[ "{{ myhosts | join('", "')}}" ]
- debug: var=var
# Also parsed as a list
- set_fact:
var: "{{ myhosts | to_json }}"
- debug: var=var
# ansible-playbook -i "localhost," this_file.yml