I've been able to successfully write keypoints (vector), descriptors (Mat) and other things to yml files using FileStorage. However, after I compute the matches between a pair of images I am unable to write the matches to a file.
I am assuming it is because DMatch seems to be a struct that has distance, trainIdx etc. fields, but does anyone have a good way of writing this to a file?
Or should I just write a distance vector, a trainIdx vector etc?
Edited to show some code:
std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches;
for(int i=0;i<numims-1;i++){
for(int j=i+1;j<min(i+10,numims);j++){
matches = MatchImagePair(i,j);
//write the matches
std::string matchfile = matchpath + "matchesij.yml";
cv::FileStorage fs(matchfile, cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
write(fs, "matches", matches);
matchesij should contain the numbers for i and j but I edited for brevity.
Also, MatchImagePair
looks something like:
std::vector<cv::DMatch> Matches::MatchImagePair(int idx1, int idx2){
//matcher type
cv::BFMatcher matcher(cv::NORM_L2);
//given descrs1 and descrs2, match the 2 descriptors
matcher.knnMatch(descrs1, descrs2, matches12, 2);
matcher.knnMatch(descrs2, descrs1, matches21, 2);
//various tests, returns vector<DMatch> given keypts1, keypts2 (for RANSAC)
matches = DoVariousTests(matches12, matches21, keypts1, keypts2);
return matches;