I want to pass two parameters to namedquery. One is number type and the other is String type. They both could be null.
For instance, (id=null, username='joe') and (id=1, username='joe') are two different results. In namedQuery, the syntax is "u.id is null" if id is null, but "u.id = :id" if id is not null. My question is how to dynamically handle the id filed in namedQuery?
Please check my sample code:
@NamedQuery(name = "getUser", query = "select u from User u"
+ " where u.id = :id"
+ " And u.username= :username")
public class User{
public Long id;
public String username;
- UserDao.java
public User getUser(Long id, String username) {
TypedQuery<User> query = Dao.entityManager.createNamedQuery("getUser", User.class);
query.setParameter("id", id);
query.setParameter("username", username);
List<User> users = query.getResultList();
if (users.size() > 0) {
return users.get(0);
} else {
return null;
What I have tried:
This is legacy code and I don't want to change the structure. So I don't want to use Criteria.
select u from User u where (:id is null or u.id= :id) and u.username= :username
// throw exception: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got BINARY
select u from User u where u.id= nullif(:id, null) and u.username= :username
// Throw exception: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got BINARY
I also tried nvl and decode in namedQuery, didn't work.
query.setParameter("id", id==null?-1:id) // didn't work.
My last choice will be writing query in UserDao file to replace namedQuery in User file.
Thank you !
I am running out of time and have to give up using namedQuery. My solution:
# UserDao.java
public User getUser(Long id, String usename) {
String getUser = "select u from user u where u.id " + Dao.isNull(id)
+ " And u.username " + Dao.isNull(username);
Query query = Dao.entityManager.createQuery(getUser);
# Dao.java
public static String isNull(Object field) {
if (field != null) {
if (field instanceof String) {
return " = " + "'" + field + "'";
} else {
return " = " + field;
} else {
return " is NULL ";