
Jw player video analytics without uploading vide

2020-04-21 04:30发布


Is it possible to have video analytics without uploading content to jw player?


Depends on where you want to see your analytics:

  • If you want analytics in your JW Player account dashboard, you need to either upload the video or add your external content URL. Please see https://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/2142460-using-jw-player-analytics for more details
  • If you want to use Google Analytics, add the ga: {} block to your jwplayer().setup() call. You will also need to include the standard GA embed code from Google at the top of your page. Read more about this at https://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1417179-integration-with-google-analytics
  • If you have another analytics plugin on your page, you can use JW Player's Javascript API events to send pings to your analytics:

    jwplayer().on('firstFrame',function(){ //send a video view event to your analytics engine here });

    Read more about this at https://support.jwplayer.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1417188-combining-jw-player-api-events-with-custom-analytics