I think I may running into a callback hell type scenario or this may be an issue with scope. I want setState with allLeagues
array once the .map function is finished running. Problem is, when the .map
function is done and this.setState({leagueAL: allLeagues)}
is ran, the state is set to an empty array. I do not want to run this.setState
inside the .map and set it multiple times. Any thoughts on how I can make the data persist into the state?
getLeagueMatches = () => {
let allLeagues = []
if(this.state.leagueMatchesInfo != null){
this.state.leagueMatchesInfo.map((league, id) => {
let leagueID = league.league_id;
.then(res => res.json())
.then(event => {
league.matches = true;
allLeagues = [...allLeagues, league]
leagueAL: allLeagues
}//end if(65)
};//end renderItem