I've got a freemarker template that displays the same string in a context where HTML is allowed as well as a context where it is not.
Is there a built-in in Freemarker that allows me to entirely remove HTML tags from a string?
The following template (assuming there was a built-in remove_html
<#ftl output_format="HTML"/>
and the model Collections.singletonMap("page_title", "A <strong>Strong</strong> Argument")
should lead to
<title>A Strong Argument</title>
<h1>A <strong>Strong</strong> Argument</h1>
Using the built-in esc
would give me <title>A <strong>Strong</strong> Argument</title>
instead, which is not what I am looking for.
Is there something like remove_html
or do I need to provide my own? (Using OWASP's java-html-sanitizer, for instance.)