I was wondering if anyone could help me out, or point me in the right direction. I'm looking for a snippet of jquery that will automatically change the background image of a div every say 5 seconds or so. My initial bg image is set in css, but i'm not sure how to create the function to make it swap between an array of images?
I have 5 images:
bg-1.jpg, bg-2.jpg, bg-3.jpg, bg-4.jpg, bg-5.jpg.
Currently my div is set to bg-1.jpg.
<div id="page_bg"></div>
Don't really have any code to show, but hopefully someone can help me out :)
Something like this should do the trick?
jQuery( function( $ ) {
var images = [ "bg-1.jpg", "bg-2.jpg", "bg-3.jpg", "bg-4.jpg", "bg-5.jpg" ];
var currentImage = 0;
function changeBackground() {
$( '#page_bg' ).css( { backgroundImage: 'url(' + images[ ++currentImage ] + ')' } );
if ( currentImage >= images.length - 1 ) {
currentImage -= images.length;
setInterval( changeBackground, 5000 );
If those are the actual image names, you really wouldn't need an Array.
// cache the element
var $page_bg = $('#page_bg');
setInterval( function() {
$page_bg.css( 'background-image', function(i,bg) {
return bg.replace(/\d/, function(str) { return (str % 5) + 1;});
}, 5000);
In the return (str % 5) + 1;
part, the number 5
represents the total number of images. They should be sequentially indexed starting with 1
like yours are.
EDIT: Or if there will be a number elsewhere in the URL, then do this instead:
// cache the element
var $page_bg = $('#page_bg');
setInterval( function() {
$page_bg.css( 'background-image', function(i,bg) {
return bg.replace(/(\d)(\.jpg)/, function(str,p1,p2) { return ((p1 % 5) + 1) + p2;});
}, 5000);