Upon hovering the first column of the table , a tooltip appears. In every material tooltip I want to insert a button at the bottom right after the json data, and upon clicking on this button it should open a angular material dialog.
<ng-container matColumnDef="Alert">
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header> Alert </th>
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row">
<span [matTooltipClass]="{ 'tool-tip': true }"
matTooltip="{{(row?.conditionals)?(row.conditionals | json):''}}">
stackblitz link with Tooltip working
#EDIT1 I have created a custom tooltip , as angular material tooltip was not serving my purpose
Tooltip is working
Based on comments I have inserted data and a button in tooltip , but I have 2 things to do:
1) How to keep the tooltip opened until the time user keeps hovering over the tooltip after tooltip is opened so that user can click on the button(now as soon as user leaves the 1st column the tooltip closes)
2) Flickering of tooltip occurs as the tooltip opens on top where it is hovered(wanted to place tooltip just at the bottom of the hovered row when first column is hovered upon and if the hovred row is at bottom then tooltip opening just above the hovered row )