I am using Formtastic 2.1.1 in Rails 3.2 (with Active Admin) and I want to insert a row into my form that does not have an input field present. Is this possible and what is the syntax in the Formtastic DSL to achieve this?
Here's an example:
form do |f|
f.inputs "Model Info" do
f.input :title
f.input :published
f.input :path
I'd like to do something like this:
form do |f|
f.inputs "Model Info" do
f.input :title
f.input :published
f.input :path
f.div "This is some important text that people using this form need to know"
Has anyone done this with Formtastic before?
To insert any custom code in any place, you may use f.form_buffers.last
form do |f|
f.form_buffers.last << "<p>Hello world!</p>".html_safe # The simple way
ft = f.template # just a helper variable
f.inputs "Foo" do
f.input :title
f.form_buffers.last << ft.content_tag(:li) do
ft.content_tag(:p, "Hello again!") +
ft.tag(:input, type: :hidden, name: "bar[]", value: "baz")
f.input :path
Just be careful about the HTML structure. If you call this from f.inputs
block, your code will be placed inside an <ol>
element. On the "form" level, you are inside a <form>
A little warning: As with any "undocumented feature" this method may change without warning in any new release.
Figured this out myself. I just needed to insert the html without any method calls, like so:
form do |f|
f.inputs "Model Info" do
f.input :title
f.input :published
f.input :path
f.inputs "Custom HTML Stuff" do
"<div id=\"element-name\">
Some kind of content
Here's a slightly simplified form of @arsen7's answer:
f.form_buffers.last <<
"<p>Activate interlock, dynatherms connected</p>".html_safe
which in my form looks like this:
And here's one that mimics ActiveAdmin's default style:
f.form_buffers.last << (<<END
<li class="string input optional stringish">
<label class="label">Activate interlock</label>
<div style="display: inline-block;">Dynatherms connected</div>
which looks like this: