I am trying to simulate a planet rotating a star. I am currently aware of the syntax to move the picture box
(I have this in a timer so it is repeated)
private void rotate_timer(object sender, EventArgs e) {
picturebox1.location = new point (picturebox1.location.x + 1,
picturebox1.location.y + 1);
But I don't know where to start so that it rotates around a specific point.
How would I go about rotating it around (0,0)?
This may help:
float angle = 0;
float rotSpeed = 1;
Point origin = new Point(222, 222); // your origin
int distance = 100; // your distance
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
angle += rotSpeed;
int x = (int)(origin.X + distance * Math.Sin(angle *Math.PI / 180f));
int y = (int)(origin.Y + distance * Math.Cos(angle *Math.PI / 180f));
yourControl.Location = new Point(x, y);
Pick your timer Interval
and don't be disappointed that it will look a little uneven. Winforms is really bad at animation..
If you want the image to rotate as well you can find an example here.