I am using script for CDC Merge in spark streaming. I wish to pass column values in selectExpr through a parameter as column names for each table would change. When I pass the columns and struct field through a string variable, I am getting error as ==> mismatched input ',' expecting
Below is the piece of code I am trying to parameterize.
var filteredMicroBatchDF=microBatchOutputDF
.selectExpr("col1","col2","struct(offset,KAFKA_TS) as otherCols" )
Reference to the script I am trying to emulate: - https://docs.databricks.com/_static/notebooks/merge-in-cdc.html
I have tried like below by passing column names in a variable and then reading in the selectExpr from these variables: -
val keyCols = "col1","col2"
val structCols = "struct(offset,KAFKA_TS) as otherCols"
var filteredMicroBatchDF=microBatchOutputDF
.selectExpr(keyCols,structCols )
When I run the script it gives me error as
mismatched input ',' expecting <<EOF>>
Here is what I have tried after comments by Luis Miguel which works fine: -
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, functions => sqlfun}
def foo(microBatchOutputDF: DataFrame)
(keyCols: Seq[String], structCols: Seq[String]): DataFrame =
.selectExpr((keyCols ++ structCols) : _*)
.groupBy(keyCols.head, keyCols.tail : _*).agg(sqlfun.max("otherCols").as("latest"))
.selectExpr((keyCols :+ "latest.*") : _*)
var keyColumns = Seq("COL1","COL2")
var structColumns = "offset,Kafka_TS"
foo(microBatchOutputDF)(keyCols = Seq(keyColumns:_*), structColumns = Seq("struct("+structColumns+") as otherCols"))
Note: Below results in an error
foo(microBatchOutputDF)(keyCols = Seq(keyColumns), structColumns = Seq("struct("+structColumns+") as otherCols"))
The thing about above working code is that, here keyColumns were hardcoded. So, I tried reading (firstly) from parameter file and (Secondly) from widget which resulted in error and it is here I am looking for advice and suggestions: -
First Method
def loadProperties(url: String):Properties = {
val properties: Properties = new Properties()
if (url != null) {
val source = Source.fromURL(url)
return properties
var tableProp: Properties = new Properties()
tableProp = loadProperties("dbfs:/Configs/Databricks/Properties/table/Table.properties")
var keyColumns = Seq(tableProp.getProperty("keyCols"))
var structColumns = tableProp.getProperty("structCols")
keyCols and StructCols are defined in parameter file as: -
keyCols = Col1, Col2
(I also tried assigning these as "Col1","Col2")
StructCols = offset,Kafka_TS
Then finally,
foo(microBatchOutputDF)(keyCols = Seq(keyColumns:_*), structColumns = Seq("struct("+structColumns+") as otherCols"))
The code is throwing the error pointing at first comma (as if its taking the columns field as single argument):
mismatched input ',' expecting <EOF>
== SQL ==
If I pass just one column in the keyCols property, code is working fine.
E.g. keyCols = Col1
Second Method
Here I tried reading key columns from the widget and its the same error again.
dbutils.widgets.text("prmKeyCols", "","")
val prmKeyCols = dbutils.widgets.get("prmKeyCols")
var keyColumns = Seq(prmKeyCols)
The widget is passed in as below
Then finally,
foo(microBatchOutputDF)(keyCols = Seq(keyColumns:_*), structColumns = Seq("struct("+structColumns+") as otherCols"))
This is also giving same error.