I want to create app which have to launch another app and run some features in last.
I mean my app A call app B and run in B some method.
Can I do this?
I know that I want to use URL scheme, but can I run some method in another app?
I want to create app which have to launch another app and run some features in last.
I mean my app A call app B and run in B some method.
Can I do this?
I know that I want to use URL scheme, but can I run some method in another app?
Yes you can achieve this using custom URL Schemes. See Communicating with Other Apps.
App B will need to register a custom URL Scheme which App A uses to launch B and pass it commands.
The following code fragment illustrates how one app can request the services of another app. “todolist” in this example is a hypothetical custom scheme registered by App B.
NSURL *myURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"todolist://www.acme.com?Quarterly%20Report#200806231300"];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:myURL];
No..apple is very strict about this kind of thing. The ios sandbox designe doesn't allow this anyway.The only way i can think of doing this is to pop an alert view and ask the user very nicely to do it :) ....either that or call a server and do your method on that server but triggering methods from an app to another is a sure No-No. Hell...you can't even detect what apps the user has installed...