If you look at the picture both arrays consist of same kind of object. first I create it with empty data as placeholder, but second one I create it with data coming from server.
writeValue(v: any) {
this.form = new FormArray([]);
for (const value of v) {
this.form.push(new FormControl(value));
this.form.valueChanges.subscribe(res => {
if (this.onChange) {
for first case it goes through all of the writeValue code, for second one it doesn't go through the for(const values of v) code. why is this happening? when I print them out they seem to be the same other than one difference [{...}] vs [] in browser tools.
If you want to see how I create them. the first one is routes and the second one is routeslocal. I put them in angular formcontrol, and thats how it gets to writeValue via controlvalueaccessor. If you want to know how it works you could check my previous question here. there is more code, but it doesn't include the service.
ngOnInit() {
const routes: any[] = [];
routes.push({ ...dataI });
this.requestForm = this.fb.group({
statusId: null,
requestVehicles: this.fb.array([
garageId: 0,
routes: new FormControl(routes),
endDateTime: 0,
if (this.data.isEdit) {
this.Title = 'Edit';
this.data.fService.getRequest(this.data.requestId).subscribe(thisRequest => {
this.requestForm = this.fb.group({
statusId: thisRequest.status,
requestVehicles: this.fb.array([
thisRequest.requestVehicles.forEach((element, index) => {
const routeslocal: any[] = [];
element.routes.forEach((elementt, indexx) => {
this.data.fService.getAddressPoint(elementt).subscribe(sbed => {
const newRoute = {
addressPointId: sbed.addressPointId,
municipalityId: sbed.municipalityId,
regionId: sbed.regionId,
rvId: element.rvId,
sequenceNumber: indexx,
settlementId: sbed.settlementId,
regionName: sbed.regionName,
municipalityName: sbed.municipalityName,
settlementName: sbed.settlementName,
description: sbed.description,
endDateTime: new Date(element.endDateTime),
garageId: element.garageId,
routes: new FormControl(routeslocal),