
XML with varying amount of child nodes for each pa

2020-04-20 06:49发布


So I have XML in the following format which I am reading from file 'test.xml'

<Agent ID="ABC123">
        <Name>Hotel 1</Name>
        <Name>Hotel 2</Name>
        <Name>Hotel 3</Name>
<Agent ID="DEF456">
        <Name>Hotel 4</Name>
        <Name>Hotel 5</Name>
<Agent ID="GHI789">
        <Name>Hotel 6</Name>

I want to be able to output the above into the following format:

Agent | Code | Name
ABC123 | XYZ | Hotel 1
ABC123 | 237 | Hotel 2

How would I do this as there are multiple Agents and a varying amount of Properties within each Agent?

I have experience of using XMLReader but happy to try an alternative such as SimpleXML.

I think I would need to use a Foreach loop on this (Foreach Agent....) but not quite sure where to start.



Look at this:

$sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);

echo 'Agent | Code | Name'.PHP_EOL;
foreach ( $sxe->Agent as $agent )
    $attr = $agent->attributes();

    foreach ( $agent->Property as $property )
        echo $attr['ID'].' | '.$property->Code.' | '.$property->Name.PHP_EOL;       