This is a two part question. Am very new to durandal and knockout.
Using the HTML Starter Kit example for Durandal 2.0.1.
I add a route for customers/:id with my own vm and view with nav = false
{ route: 'customer/:id', moduleId: 'viewmodels/customer/customer', nav: false }
Because nav is false, it doesn't get used when buildNavigationModel() is called. So the shell.html doesn't show a tab entry for it. So far so good.
When I navigate to c:\temp\index.html#customer/123 I can see the page, but it doesn't get included in the tabs at the top of the page. When I look at shell.html it uses data-bind to get the routes to display in those tabs. So shouldn't it display this new route I just moved to? If I set the routes, nav to true, would that be enough to refresh the shell display? Or am I failing at my first attempt to understand ko?
So I have a route for customer/:id. If I go to index#customer/123 I want to see a new tab as of part 1 above. If I navigate to index#customer/234, I want to see a new tab for that as well. The user should then be able to move between the two tabs. Can this work, or is it really only recording the customer/:id route and I will only ever see one tab button?