What I do in my code:
1st I load a UTF-8 textfile (yes, double/triple/quadruple checked: it IS UTF-8) by using with codecs.open...
def load_verbslist(folder, name, utf_encoding):
fullname = os.path.join("daten", folder, name)
if utf_encoding:
with codecs.open(fullname, "r", "utf-8-sig") as name:
lines = name.readlines()
name = open(fullname, "r")
lines = name.readlines()
for x in range(0, len(lines)):
lines[x] = lines[x].strip("\n")
lines[x] = lines[x].strip("\r")
return lines
From that file come my solution strings. I later split the lines and encode everything again to blit it to the screen like this:
class BlittedText():
def __init__(self, number, colour):
self.number = number
self.colour = colour
if self.number == 0: #Infinitiv
self.content = Solution.verb[0]
self.content = self.content.encode("utf-8")
self.text = Main.font1.render(str(self.content), 1, self.colour)
self.pos = (45, 45)
Then I append a list named "Strings" by several of those BlittedText() classes.
Then I blit it to the screen:
for element in Strings:
screen.blit(element, position)
The result can be seen in this picture: http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/6617/ee43.png In the Python shell (left side) everything shows correctly, my inputs (very left side) as the strings from the solution TXT file (which definitely, surely, 100% is saved as UTF-8). On the screen my input (black) blits correctly, while the solution strings (green and red) show weird characters instead of the unicode characters. I thought, I properly encoded them but obviously not :/
Does anyone find my mistake? Where's my thinking gone wrong?
Thank you very much already!