I'm trying to port an existing Android application to iOS,
In the Android application i was using a ZipInputStream to extract a single file from the zip archive and store it in as a temporary file.
How could i extract a single file from a Zip Archive without having to extract the whole archive (As it is very large)?
I just found the answer,
I had to modify SSZipArchive to insert a method that will extract a single file from the ZIP archive (Based on its name)
You could find the modified version here, if someone finds this useful i might clean it up, add the delegate, the tests and propose for pull in SSZipArchive.
Usage is straightforward:
NSString *zipEntityToExtract = @"example.aac";
NSString *destinationFilePath = ...; //(Includes filename)
NSString *zipPath = ...;
[SSZipArchive unzipEntityName:zipEntityToExtract fromFilePath:zipPath toDestination:filePath];
//File is now in destinationFilePath