I am trying to post json data to an URL which I have no control. The API document says only json data is accepted. I am thinking whether I can use html form to make it easier.
There are lots of posts here in regards of how to "post json data using form", none of them applies my situation. The problem is, as far as I know, if you post data using form, the thing being post is always "name=value", however, the API wants only "value". That is to say, even though I can JSON.stringify
values to a JSON string, I still need to post it with a "name", which the API doesn't want. So this is my question, can I actually post values only using form?
Update: the API document
What it says in the API is very vague to me. Key infos are: 1)When calling the interface, use HTTPS protocal and JSON data package, the data package doesn't need to be encrypted.
2)HTTPS request method: POST https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
For ACCESS_TOKEN I need to get it using some password and it expires in 2 hours.
3)If message sent successfully, it returns:
"errcode": 0,
"errmsg": "ok",
"invaliduser": "UserID1",