I'm working on something that was built on a PC set-up using php and an ms access database. When I port the app to my MAMP environment, I get
Fatal error: Call to undefined function odbc_connect() in /path/to/index.php on line 37
line 37 looks like this:
return odbc_connect("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=myfile.mdb",
"ADODB.Connection", "", "SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC");
It seems like odbc isn't compiled into the MAMP version of PHP (5). I also tried using PDO, and got similar errors.
Anyone know how to fix this?
You will need to add an ODBC driver like Actual ODBC to your machine, that is if your version of PHP had any ODBC functionality complied in, which it should have, but if not you'll need to install a different version with the appropriate support. I've had good luck with using MacPorts to install PHP. But note that there are still some functions missing that you may expect you'll have to write wrappers for these functions like so:
function odbc_fetch_array($aResult,$anAssoc=false)
# Out of rows? Pass back false!
if(!odbc_fetch_row($aResult)) return false;
$theRow = array();
# Build up array
$theNumFields = odbc_num_fields($aResult);
$theLimit = $theNumFields+1;
for($i=1; $i<$theLimit; $i++)
# WARNING: Starts our index at 0, unlike standard ODBC which starts at 1
$theRow[odbc_field_name($aResult, $i)] = odbc_result($aResult, $i);
if(!$anAssoc) $theRow[$i-1] = $theRow[odbc_field_name($aResult, $i)];
return $theRow;
function odbc_fetch_assoc($aResult)
if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '/') // call local function on MACs
return odbc_fetch_array($aResult,true);
else // call built in function on Windows
return odbc_fetch_array($aResult);