What I am trying to do with the following code is read from arduino serial and update a label with that data every few seconds.
When I run the code it only gets/updates the label once. So I know its something to do with a loop. My understanding was that all code between Tk()
and mainloop()
was in a loop. Any help would be appreciated.
from Tkinter import *
import serial
import time
def show_values():
arduinoSerialData.write("55")#Write some data to test Arduino read serial and turn on LED if it does
arduinoSerialData = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.usbmodem1461', 9600, timeout=None)
time.sleep(5) #Arduino Serial Reset Timeout
Joes = Tk()
Joes.wm_title("Read Serial")
myData= arduinoSerialData.readline()
temp = float(myData) #convert string to float store in var
templabel = Label(Joes, text=(temp))
c = Button(Joes, text="Send Data", command=show_values)