I'm using the imagesize gem to check the sizes of remote images and then only push images that are big enough into an array.
require 'open-uri'
require 'image_size'
data = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
images = []
forcenocache = Time.now.to_i # No cache because jquery load event doesn't fire for cached images
data.css("img").each do |image|
image_path = URI.join(site, URI.encode(image[:src]))
open(image_path, "rb") do |fh|
image_size = ImageSize.new(fh.read).get_size()
unless image_size[0] < 200 || image_size[1] < 100
image_element = "<img src=\"#{image_path}?#{forcenocache}\">"
I tried using JS on the front-end to check image dimensions but there seems to be a browser limit to how many images can be loaded at once.
Doing it with imagesize is much slower than using JS. Any better and faster ways to do this?