I have a function that takes a UIImage and a colour and uses it to return a UIImage in just that colour.
As part of the function the UIImage is converted to a CGImage but for some reason the CGImage is 3 times the size of the UIImage which means that the final result is 3 times the size that it should be.
Here is the function
func coloredImageNamed(name: String, color: UIColor) -> UIImage {
let startImage: UIImage = UIImage(named: name)!
print("UIImage W: \(startImage.size.width) H\(startImage.size.height)")
let maskImage: CGImage = startImage.CGImage!
print("CGImage W: \(CGImageGetWidth(maskImage)) H\(CGImageGetHeight(maskImage))")
// Make the image that the mask is applied to (Just a rectangle of the color want to use)
let colorImageSize: CGSize = CGSizeMake(startImage.size.width, startImage.size.height)
let colorFillImage: CGImage = getImageWithColor(color, size: colorImageSize).CGImage!
// Make the mask image into a mask
let mask: CGImage = CGImageMaskCreate(CGImageGetWidth(maskImage),
CGImageGetDataProvider(maskImage), nil, false)!
// Create the new image and convert back to UIImage, then return
let masked: CGImage! = CGImageCreateWithMask(colorFillImage, mask);
let returnImage: UIImage! = UIImage(CGImage: masked)
return returnImage
You can see in the first few lines I have used print() to print the size of each the UIImage and CGImage to the console. The CGImage is always 3 times the size of the UIImage... I suspect it has something to do with @2x, @3x etc?
So the question is why is this happening and what can do to get an Image out that is the same size as the one I start with?