I want to use this Admin Panel : https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE
But i don't understand this syntax : @extends('adminlte::page')
The page is a view but what does it mean to add adminlte and the double column in this example ?
I have never seen this syntax, and i didn't find about it in the Laravel blade docs, can anyone enlighten me please ?
This is used to identify the package from which the view should be loaded from. For example you have a package named neokyuubi/courier
inside your vendor folder, and you want to load views from there into the application. Then you would use courier::index
to identify your view. if you use @import('index')
the framework will look into resources\views\index.blade.php
but when you write your package before the view name, it'll look first to resources\views\vendor\courier\index.blade.php
and when it doesn't find the view, it'll look for your package views directory.
But, you need to register your views like this first inside your package's service provider:
$this->loadViewsFrom("path\to\your\view\folder", "courier");
For more information: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/packages#views