When I use the ES6 class syntax, a variable inside a method declared without 'let' or 'var' is undefined. However, when using the regular object syntax, it is defined.
To illustrate the problem, I run the following code on Node v7.5.0:
class ES6Foo {
bar() {
var i = 5446;
console.log("i = " + i);
let j = 5446;
console.log("j = " + j);
k = 5446;
console.log("k = " + k);
foo = new ES6Foo();
produces the output:
i = 5446
j = 5446
k = 5446;
ReferenceError: k is not defined
at ES6Foo.bar
Not using the class syntax solves this problem:
var OldFoo = function() {}
OldFoo.prototype.bar = function() {
var i = 5446;
console.log("i = " + i);
let j = 5446;
console.log("j = " + j);
k = 5446;
console.log("k = " + k);
foo = new OldFoo();
i = 5446
j = 5446
k = 5446
Can anyone explain this behavior?