I'm using a Node package module called react-dropzone and React-Redux to allow users to drag a file onto the window and display the file info.
The react-dropzone component is giving me the FileList from the standard event.dataTransfer.files.
The problem I'm having is that when I dispatch that FileList to the Redux store, the File items aren't yet loaded in the FileList array, so when I dispatch the File data, I just get {"preview":"blob:file:///f30eafb8-8a77-4402-9111-379590b4a03f"}
If I log the File items to the console, they show up just fine because their data is loaded by the time I look at it but I can't figure out how to only dispatch the file information after it's loaded.
Here's an example of what I see if I log one of the File items to the console from the FileList array.
lastModified: 1473709614000,
lastModifiedDate: Mon Sep 12 2016 12:46:54 GMT-0700 (PDT),
name: "test_image.jpg",
path: "/Users/mitchconquer/Desktop/test_image.jpg",
preview: "blob:file:///0fe69686-125d-464a-a0a8-a42e497d3808",
size: 41805,
type: "image/jpeg",
webkitRelativePath: ""
I believe the problem is just that the File object isn't fully loaded, but I can't figure out a way to only fire the action once the data is fully loaded. Could someone point me on the right path?
Here's my component that's using react-dropzone:
// FileDrop.js
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router';
import styles from './Home.css';
import Dropzone from 'react-dropzone';
export default class FileDrop extends Component {
static propTypes = {
message: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
setFile: PropTypes.func.isRequired
onDrop(files, event) {
render() {
return (
<Dropzone onDropAccepted={this.onDrop.bind(this)} multiple={false} disablePreview={false}>
...and here's my action file that has the setFile
method that's used in the above onDrop
// actions/files.js
export const SET_FILE = 'SET_FILE';
function _setFile(file) {
return {
type: SET_FILE,
export function setFile(file) {
return _setFile(file[0]);
...and here's the reducer that's handling that action:
// reducers/files.js
import { SET_FILE } from '../actions/files';
export const initialState = [];
export default function files(state = initialState, action = {}) {
switch (action.type) {
case SET_FILE:
const newState = state.slice();
const file = action.file;
return newState;
return state;