NOTE: I am a noob at bash scripts and the awk command - please excuse any dumb mistakes I make.
I am unable to substitute shell variables into my awk pattern. I am trying to scan through a file, find the first occurence of a specific string in the file, and print each line that succeed it in order until it hits an empty string/line.
I don't know the string I am searching for in advance, and I would like to substitute in that variable.
When I run this with the string directly specified (e.g "< main>:"), it works perfectly. I've already searched on how awk patterns work, and how to substitute in variables. I've tried using the -v flag for awk, directly using the shell variable - nothing works.
awk=`awk -v FN="$funcName" '/FN/,/^$/' "$ofile"`
echo -e "$awk" > "$rfile"
The error is just that nothing prints. I want to print all the lines between my desired string and the next empty line.