I would like to remove the gridlines of the hAxis but with keeping the ticks' little black marker.
My code looks like this:
var optionsSmall = {
colors: ['#4572A7'],
hAxis: { minorGridlines: { color: '#000' }, gridlines: { color: 'transparent' }, format:'MM/d/y', textStyle: { fontSize: 9 } },
series: { 0: { targetAxisIndex: 1, }, 1: { targetAxisIndex: 0, type: 'line' } },
vAxes: {
0: { gridlines: { count: 0 }, textStyle: { fontSize: 9 } },
1: { gridlines: { count: 8 }, textStyle: { fontSize: 9 } },
chartArea:{right:80,top:22, bottom:50, width:'100%',height:'100%'},
tooltip: { trigger: 'none', showColorCode: false }
I'm attaching a picture to represent what I'd like to achieve. The black line is only this thick for dramatisation purposes. Sorry if it's a duplicate, my english is not that perfect to know the right word for that little marker.