Search Pattern Error since Google Scripts V8 Updat

2020-04-18 04:55发布


Ever since google forced the update "This project is running on our new Apps Script runtime powered by Chrome V8." I'm getting the following error and I don't understand why.

"Exception: Invalid argument: searchPattern at recreateReferral(recreateReferral:82:13)"

Here is the snippet of code: Line 82 starts with newBody.

for(i = 0; i <=16; i++) {
newBody.replaceText(fields[0][i], newData[0][i]);


Possible cause(s):

  • Your original rhino script is buggy, because it doesn't check the type of the argument fields[0][i] and newData[0][i].

  • Empty string "" and null also throw this error.


  • Cast type and check length of the argument before feeding it to replaceText()


if (String(fields[0][i]).length){
  newBody.replaceText(String(fields[0][i]), String(newData[0][i]));


I figured it out. It was the empty parts of the string as someone above suggested.
