Backbone.Collection.Create not triggering “add” in

2020-04-18 04:05发布


Hopefully this is an easy question. I'm trying to learn backbone and i'm stuck on a really simple thing. the render on the view never gets called when I update the collection by using the create method. I thought this should happen without explicitly calling render. I'm not loading anything dynamic, it's all in the dom before this script fires. The click event works just fine and I can add new models to the collection, but the render in the view never fires.


window.QuizMe = {};

// create a model for our quizzes
QuizMe.Quiz = Backbone.Model.extend({
// override post for now
"sync": function (){return true},


QuizMe._QuizCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: QuizMe.Quiz,

QuizMe.QuizCollection = new QuizMe._QuizCollection

QuizMe.QuizView = Backbone.View.extend({


template: _.template($('#quizList').html()),

events: {
  "click #addQuiz" : "addQuizDialog",

initialize: function() {
// is this right?
  this.model.bind('add', this.render, this);


addQuizDialog: function(event){
  console.log('addQuizDialog called')
  QuizMe.QuizCollection.create({display:"this is a display2",description:"this is a succinct description"});  

render: function() {
  console.log("render called")

QuizMe.App = new QuizMe.QuizView({model:QuizMe.Quiz})



Your problem is that you're binding to the model:

this.model.bind('add', this.render, this);

but you're adding to a collection:

    display:     "this is a display2",
    description: "this is a succinct description"

A view will usually have an associated collection or model but not both. If you want your QuizView to list the known quizzes then:

  1. You should probably call it QuizListView or something similar.
  2. Create a new QuizView that displays a single quiz; this view would have a model.
  3. Rework your QuizListView to work with a collection.

You should end up with something like this:

QuizMe.QuizListView = Backbone.View.extend({
    // ...
    initialize: function() {
        // You don't need to bind event handlers anymore, newer
        // Backbones use the right context by themselves.
        _.bindAll(this, 'render');
        this.collection.bind('add', this.render);
    addQuizDialog: function(event) {
            display:     "this is a display2",
            description: "this is a succinct description"
    render: function() {
        console.log("render called")
        // And some stuff in here to add QuizView instances to this.$el
        return this; // Your render() should always do this.

QuizMe.App = new QuizMe.QuizView({ collection: QuizMe.QuizCollection });

And watch that trailing comma after render, older IEs get upset about that and cause difficult to trace bugs.

I'd give you a quick demo but is down at the moment. When it comes back, you can start with to play around, that fiddle has all the appropriate Backbone stuff (jQuery, Backbone, and Underscore) already set up.

标签: backbone.js