How do I run a project's example using Cargo?

2020-04-18 03:52发布


I'm trying to run the example code from this project. Following the instructions on the Cargo docs, I did the following:

git clone
cd rust-procol-ftp-client
cargo run 
cargo test

cargo test should also have compiled the example according to the Rust docs.

Although cargo test executes successfully, when I change into the target/debug directory, I don't find an executable for ftp-get (which is the example code). The target/debug/examples directory is also empty.

What is the best way to go about running this example?


Try the following:

cd rust-procol-ftp-client
cargo build --examples


You can run a specific example with:

cargo run --example name_of_example

where name_of_example is the base filename (without .rs)

or to run it in release mode:

cargo run --release --example name_of_example

To pass arguments to the example:

cargo run --example name_of_example -- arguments go here

cargo run will automatically build (or rebuild) the program first if it's out of date.