Access 2010 here. I have a query (Thank you Andomar!):
SELECT Inspection.Date, count(*) AS [# Insp], sum(iif(Disposition = 'PASS',1,0)) AS [# Passed], sum(iif(Disposition = 'FAIL',1,0)) AS [# Failed], sum(iif(Disposition = 'PASS',1,0)) / count(*) AS [% Acceptance]
FROM Inspection
WHERE Disposition in ('PASS', 'FAIL') AND ((Inspection.Date) Between Date() And Date()-30)
That gives a table like this:
Date | # Insp | # Passed | # Failed | % Acceptance
11/26/2012 | 7 | 5 | 2 | 71
11/27/2012 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 50
I am looking to use this query to make a "table" for a sub-form that will be below a graph, for reference only. The formatting of the "table" is of importance, as it needs both Column (Date) and Row headings. I have table in parentheis to emphasize that the table is generated in real time; in other words, not stored as an Access object.
The end result will be someting like this:
Date | 11/26/2012 | 11/27/2012 ...
# Insp | 7 | 8
# Passed | 5 | 4
# Failed | 2 | 4
% Acceptance | 71 | 50
It seems to be an optimal case, as the axis are just flipped, but for the life of me, I cannot find a solution that does not destroy the data. A Crosstab Query only gave me filtering on one or more categories against a single value. Is this something a union would be used for; or a pivot? Would a transform be needed? It seems like it should be such a simple problem. Is this something that can be done in SQL or would VBA be needed to arrange the "table?" Thanks for the help!
These links do seem applicable:
Columns to Rows in MS Access
how to pivot rows to columns