Access Union/Pivot to Swap Columns and Rows

2020-04-17 12:39发布


Access 2010 here. I have a query (Thank you Andomar!):

SELECT Inspection.Date, count(*) AS [# Insp], sum(iif(Disposition = 'PASS',1,0)) AS [# Passed], sum(iif(Disposition = 'FAIL',1,0)) AS [# Failed], sum(iif(Disposition = 'PASS',1,0)) /  count(*) AS [% Acceptance]
FROM Inspection
WHERE Disposition in ('PASS', 'FAIL') AND ((Inspection.Date) Between Date() And Date()-30)

That gives a table like this:

Date       | # Insp | # Passed | # Failed | % Acceptance
11/26/2012 | 7      | 5        | 2        | 71 
11/27/2012 | 8      | 4        | 4        | 50 

I am looking to use this query to make a "table" for a sub-form that will be below a graph, for reference only. The formatting of the "table" is of importance, as it needs both Column (Date) and Row headings. I have table in parentheis to emphasize that the table is generated in real time; in other words, not stored as an Access object.

The end result will be someting like this:

Date         | 11/26/2012 | 11/27/2012 ...
# Insp       | 7          | 8
# Passed     | 5          | 4
# Failed     | 2          | 4
% Acceptance | 71         | 50

It seems to be an optimal case, as the axis are just flipped, but for the life of me, I cannot find a solution that does not destroy the data. A Crosstab Query only gave me filtering on one or more categories against a single value. Is this something a union would be used for; or a pivot? Would a transform be needed? It seems like it should be such a simple problem. Is this something that can be done in SQL or would VBA be needed to arrange the "table?" Thanks for the help!

These links do seem applicable:

Columns to Rows in MS Access

how to pivot rows to columns


This will have to be a two-step process to transform. First you will have to rotate the data in your current query to be in rows instead of columns, then you will have to transform the dates into columns instead of rows.

The query will be something like this:

TRANSFORM max(val) as MaxValue
  SELECT [Date], '# Insp' as Col, [# Insp] as  val 
  FROM yourQuery
  SELECT [Date], '# Passed' as Col, [# Passed] as val
  FROM yourQuery
  SELECT [Date], '# Failed' as Col, [# Failed] as val
  FROM yourQuery
  SELECT [Date], '% Acceptance' as Col, [% Acceptance] as val
  FROM yourQuery
PIVOT [Date]

I am guessing the your current query is saved in your database, you will replace the yourQuery in my example with the name of your query.

I just tested this in MS Access 2003 with the values in your sample above and it produced the result you want.