Backbone Object render has no method apply - issue

2020-04-17 08:42发布


So I'm doing this in my AppView

var flowerModel = new app.DataModel({title: "flower", values: ["tulip","rose","dandelion"], dataToShow:["tulip", "rose", "dandelion"], data: data});
    var timelineModel = new app.TimeChartModel({data: flowerModel.getDisplayedData(), titlesToShow: flowerModel.get('dataToShow')});


    var timechart ="body").append("div").attr("class","timechart");

    this.centerView = new app.TimeChartView({model: flowerModel, el : timechart});
    this.rightView = new app.TableView({model: flowerModel});

In my TimeChartView init method I do this-

initialize: function(){
            //other, irrelevant things


and in my flowerModel I have this method, which works when a checkbox is ticked -

events: {
    'click .data-type' : 'collapseDatum',
    'click .show-datum' : 'addDatumToShow',

addDatumToShow: function(e){
        var test = $(this.$el).find(".datum-list").find(":checked");
        newDataToShow = [];
        _.each(test, function(value,key,list){
            var title = $(value).data("title");
        this.model.set("dataToShow", newDataToShow);

The error happens on the this.model.set('dataToShow', newDataToShow).

I'm really not sure why and any advice on how to debug would be helpful. I don't think I'm doing anything crazy, or unusual here.


Try this :

flowerModel.bind('change:dataToShow', function() { 
    timelineModel.set('titlesToShow', flowerModel.get('dataToShow')); 

this.model.bind('change', this.render);