Does anyone know how to detect if the app is running on Kindle Fire ?
My app needs to turn off a few features if running on the Kindle Fire and I want to use the same build as Google Marketplace.
Does anyone know how to detect if the app is running on Kindle Fire ?
My app needs to turn off a few features if running on the Kindle Fire and I want to use the same build as Google Marketplace.
You can read android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER
and android.os.Build.MODEL
. On a Kindle Fire 1st Generation they are 'Amazon' and 'Kindle Fire' respectively. For model codes of newer Kindle Fire devices, see Device and Feature Specifications on Amazon's developer site.
Based on the official Kindle Fire Device and Feature Specifications I currently use this code:
public static boolean isKindleFire() {
return android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.equals("Amazon")
&& (android.os.Build.MODEL.equals("Kindle Fire")
|| android.os.Build.MODEL.startsWith("KF"));