I have a PHP file on a web-host that is as follows:
echo 'OK';
But the file test.txt
is not created when I execute the page from a browser. Why not? Is it a permissions issue?
I have a PHP file on a web-host that is as follows:
echo 'OK';
But the file test.txt
is not created when I execute the page from a browser. Why not? Is it a permissions issue?
yes the PHP Doc Says
If filename does not exist, the file is created. Otherwise, the existing file is overwritten, unless the FILE_APPEND flag is set.
That is only if you write have permission on that folder .... try
ini_set("display_errors", "on");
if (! is_writable(__DIR__)) {
trigger_error("I don't have permission");
file_put_contents('test.txt', 'TEST');
Why not? Is it a permissions issue?
The question you should be asking yourself is why don't you know already?
The code will be producing an error or warning - why don't you know what that is?
It's likely a permissions issue - what are the permissions?
BTWE: writing content within your document root, to a directory which will execute PHP is a huge security vulnerability. i.e. if it is a permissions issue, then changing the permissions is the wrong way to solve the problem.