I'm currently working on a project, involving getting information from printers through SNMP. Now the printer I've been testing/working on, is a Lexmark X950.
A problem I've been struggling with, is that I want this program to work for HP or Kyocera or Brother printers aswell, but the OIDs I used only seem to work on Lexmark.
Here are some of the OIDs I used:
<OID type="counter">
<name>Count total printed</name>
<OID type="counter">
<name>count total printed since last boot</name>
<OID type="counter">
<name>count total printer black</name>
<OID type="counter">
<name>count total printed color</name>
<OID type="counter">
<name>count total copied black</name>
As you can see here, I mostly use for my OIDs, but they only work for Lexmark. Are there more general OIDs that can be used, to find out how many pages there were printed in black/color, copied in black/color, faxed in black/color and scanned in different ways (simplex, duplex, flatbed), that I can use for basically any printer?