Hello Im using HTTParty to call for a remote json file that I need to extract the URL's to use in one of my tests.. the json format goes something like:
"manifest" : {
"header" : {
"generated" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name" : "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"version" : "1.0.0"
"files" : [ {
"file" : "blimp.zip",
"url" : "http://www.xxx.xx/restaurants_blimp.zip",
"checksum" : "ee98c9455b8d7ba6556f53256f95"
}, {
"file" : "yard.zip",
"url" : "www.xxx.xx/yard.zip",
"checksum" : "e66aa3d123f804f34afc622b5"
on irb I can get all the sub hashes inside example: ['manifest']['files'] and I can only get the url if I expecify which one.. like for example puts file['manifest']['files']['1']['url'] <-- this does work on irb but since I need to get ALL url's this is why I use .each but it gives me a cant convert to string error or similar
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'httparty'
class MyApi
include HTTParty
file = MyApi.get("http://#{HOST}/v1/dc/manifest/#{ID}/#{VERSION}")
file.each do |item|
puts item['manifest']['files']['url']
not working but I can on IRB do a:
puts item['manifest']['files'][2]['url'] <-- and this will give me the url but with the .each will just complaint about cant convert to string or similar