Using devise, what is the best way to have multiple models or roles? Here are the models or roles I need in my app:
-Author: can upload content to the site
-Customer: pays a monthly fee to access the content
A user can be both an Author and a Customer. I think they can share the same login form because they will both log in with their email address.
I have tried using CanCan and rolify, but couldn't figure out how to add different roles during registration. When a user registers as an Author, he should be given the "author" role and when a user registers by paying the monthly fee, he should be given the "customer" role. I don't want to use a checkbox for the roles either.
There is a nav link called "Authors" that will allow authors to register and then there is a link for users to register by going through the payment and billing form. Based on which link is clicked, should determine which role is given. Should I pass in a role parameter in the url during registration like "user/sign_up/index?role=customer"
? If so, how do I get devise to use this in the registration process?
Using devise, CanCan, and rolify, how can I solve this? I thought it might be better to have a User class and then have Customer and Author extend from User, but from reading many similar questions on StackOverflow it seems rolify is easier.
I know what I am trying to do is very basic, I just haven't figured it out yet. I have been trying to find a solution for this all day.
Update: Danny's answer below pushed me in the right direction and I have managed to get the roles added properly during registration by passing in a parameter in the URL "users/sign_up?role=customer" or "users/sign_up?role=author". I don't know if this is the best way, but that's what I have so far.
One question I have though is how will my has_many relations work now? Here is what I have:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable
has_one :plan
has_many :files
has_one :plan is for the customer's subscription plan and has_many :files is for the author who can upload many files that the customer can download
The problem is that I would also like to keep track of the user's file downloads so I would like to put has_many :downloads
or probably has_many :files, :through => :downloads
Does it matter if I put these in the User model knowing that an author who is not a customer is not allowed to download files and that a customer who is not an author cannot upload files?