when I run my testing.sh file
while read -r SID FIRST LAST S1 S2 S3
SUM=$(expr $S1 + $S2 + $S3)
AVG=$(expr $SUM / 3)
printf '%d [%d] %s, %s\n' "$AVG" "$SID" "$LAST" "$FIRST"
done < "$FILE" | sort -k 3,3n -k 4,4n -k 2,2g
I get the following errors.
expr: non-integer argument
expr: syntax error
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I also tried echo, awk, and bc but I got similar errors for all of them.
I run the file like this:
/testing.sh /home/user/Desktop/sample.txt
This is the sample text.
123456789 Lee Johnson 72 85 90
999999999 Jaime Smith 90 92 91
888111818 JC Forney 100 81 97
290010111 Terry Lee 100 99 100
199144454 Tracey Camp 77 84 84
299226663 Laney Camp 70 74 71
434401929 Skyler Camp 78 81 82
928441032 Jess Forester 85 80 82
928441032 Chris Forester 97 94 89
When I run my program, this should be the output:
71 [299226663] Camp, Laney
80 [434401929] Camp, Skyler
81 [199144454] Camp, Tracey
93 [928441032] Forester, Chris
82 [928441032] Forester, Jess
92 [888111818] Forney, JC
82 [123456789] Johnson, Lee
99 [290010111] Lee, Terry
91 [999999999] Smith, Jaime