i think i have miss something in a query from python using pyodbc over a FreeTDS on a Debian machine. I can not manage to have more than the first 255 characters.
if i try to CAST SQL data as describe here: ODBC query on MS SQL Server returning first 255 characters only in PHP PDO (FreeTDS) with :
SELECT CAST(myText as TEXT) FROM mytable
i get empty/zero length string,
i have also test with no more success to : change size as describe with the config below, i only get first 255 characters (while on my Win box pyodbc can get 279 characters, for example).
here is a sample query :
SET TEXTSIZE 2147483647;
SELECT [id], myText , LEN(myText)
FROM mytable
here is my /etc/freetds/freetds/conf
(what is the meaning of the ; @ beginning of line ?)
# TDS protocol version
; tds version = 4.2
#!!!added by me
client charset = UTF-8
text size = 4294967295
#!!!/added by me
# Whether to write a TDSDUMP file for diagnostic purposes
# (setting this to /tmp is insecure on a multi-user system)
; dump file = /tmp/freetds.log
; debug flags = 0xffff
# Command and connection timeouts
; timeout = 10
; connect timeout = 10
# If you get out-of-memory errors, it may mean that your client
# is trying to allocate a huge buffer for a TEXT field.
# Try setting 'text size' to a more reasonable limit
#!!!changed by me
#text size = 64512
the others conf files are:
> cat /etc/odbc.ini #/etc/odbc.ini is empty! is it ok?
> cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
Description=TDS driver (Sybase/MS SQL)
my SQL server is on
, and i connect by using :
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
# etc.
thank u for any help,
best regards