I have a fairly convoluted XML file and I need to do a weighted average of a few values within it using XSL. I am able to complete a sum of the weights OR of the values, but I cannot get the multiplication to work. I get an error:
XPTY0004: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first operand of '*'
I am not able to share the XML, but I have simplified the XML to the following example (assume there are a large number of foos):
<Attribute ID="1" Weight="0.5">
<otherParams />
<Volume Average="125" Unknown="50" />
My current attempt to get the weighted average is the following:
<xsl:variable name="WeightedVolume" select="sum(/group/fooList/foo[attributeList/Attribute/[@ID=$test_id]]/attributeList/Attribute/@Weight * /group/fooList/foo[attributeList/Attribute/[@ID=$test_id]]/Properties/PhysicalProperties/Volume/@Average)"/>
I know there are similar questions available - but most of them deal with something like summing and multiplying foo
The answer on this StackOverflow Question appeals to me, but I cannot seem to make it work.
I'm using Saxon-HE from Saxonica, with Visual Studio 2013.
Edited I was able to get something to work for XSL 2, but need to have a fall-back for XSL1.
<xsl:variable name="WeightedVolume" select="sum(for $i in /group/FooList/foo[attributeList/Attribute[@ID=$test_id] return $i/AttributeList/Attribute/@Weight * $i/Properties/PhysicalProperties/Volume/@Average)"/>