accessing inventory host variable in ansible playb

2020-04-16 17:42发布


I am using ansible 2.1. I have the following inventory host file and a role being called by a play that needs access to the host file variable. Any thoughts on how to access it (currently getting an error):

host file

test-1 ansible_ssh_host=abc.def.ghi.jkl ansible_ssh_port=1212

test2-1 ansible_ssh_host=abc.def.ghi.mno ansible_ssh_port=1212

test3-1 ansible_ssh_host=abc.def.ghi.pqr ansible_ssh_port=1212
test3-2 ansible_ssh_host=abc.def.ghi.stu ansible_ssh_port=1212


role I have tried accessing the role in the following fashions:

{{ hostvars.ansible_ssh_host }} 


{{ hostvars.test1.ansible_ssh_host }}

I am trying to access the ansible_ssh_host in the test1 section.


fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVars object' has no attribute 'ansible'"}


You are on the right track about hostvars.
This magic variable is used to access information about other hosts.

hostvars is a hash with inventory hostnames as keys.
To access fields of each host, use hostvars['test-1'], hostvars['test2-1'], etc.

ansible_ssh_host is deprecated in favor of ansible_host since 2.0.
So you should first remove "_ssh" from inventory hosts arguments (i.e. to become "ansible_user", "ansible_host", and "ansible_port"), then in your role call it with:

{{ hostvars['your_host_group'].ansible_host }}


host-1 ansible_ssh_host= node_name=foo
host-2 ansible_ssh_host= node_name=bar


You can access host group vars using:

{{ hostvars['host_group'].custom_var }}

If you need a specific value from specific host, you can use:

{{ hostvars[groups['host_group'][0]].node_name }}


You should be able to use the variable name directly


Or you can go through hostvars without having to specify the host literally by using the magic variable inventory_hostname



I struggled with this, too. My specific setup is: Your host.ini (with the modern names):

test3-1 ansible_host=abc.def.ghi.pqr ansible_port=1212
test3-2 ansible_host=abc.def.ghi.stu ansible_port=1212

plus a play fill_file.yml

- remote_user: ec2-user
  hosts: test3
   - name: fill file
       src: file.j2
       dest: filled_file.txt

plus a template file.j2 , like

{% for host in groups['test3'] %}
   {{ hostvars[host].ansible_host }}
{% endfor %}

This worked for me, the result is


I have to admit it's ansible 2.7, not 2.1. The template is a variation of an example in

The accepted answer didn't work in my setup. With a template

{{ hostvars['test3'].ansible_host }}

my play fails with "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: \"hostvars['test3']\" is undefined" .

Remark: I tried some variations, but failed, occasionally with "ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVars object has no element "; Some of this might be explained by what they say. in

hostvars emulates a dictionary [...]. hostvars is also lazily loaded


Thanks a lot this note was very useful for me! Was able to send the variable defined under /group_var/vars in the ansible playbook as indicated below.

- name: check service account password expiry
- command:

sh /home/monit/ {{ item }} {{ LDAP_AUTH_USR }}


I've found also a nice and simple way to address hostsvars right on one of Ansible's Github issues

Looks like you can do this as well:

 - debug:
    msg: "{{ ansible_ssh_host }}"