There's a HashMap:
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> matrix = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
I want to fill an excel sheet in this pattern:
hashkey1 | hashkey2 | hashkey3 | hashkey4
value1-1 | value2-1 | value3-1 | value4-1
value1-2 | value2-2 | value3-2 | value4-2
value1-3 | value2-3 | value3-3 | value4-3
value1-4 | value2-4 | value3-4 | value4-4
value1-5 | value2-5 | value3-5 | value4-5
The "hashKeys" are "Categories", and every key has its own ArrayList. Every string-element of the ArrayLists shall be drawn under its correspondent key.
Here's the actual code:
int keyCell = -2;
int row = 5;
Row keyRow = worksheet.createRow(4);
Row valueRow = null;
for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> e : matrix.entrySet()) {
keyRow.createCell(keyCell += 2).setCellValue(e.getKey());
for (String s : e.getValue()) {
if ((row - 5) < (e.getValue().size())) {
valueRow = worksheet.createRow(row += 1);
} else {
It works beautifully, except for the fact that the result goes in this pattern:
hashkey1 | hashkey2 | hashkey3 | hashkey4
value1-1 | | |
value1-2 | | |
value1-3 | | |
value1-4 | | |
value1-5 | value2-5 | value3-5 | value4-5
I think it is working exactly how I want, but the cells get erased at each loop because of the new row that is created at each loop. This is a very challenging problem. I had huge difficulty to come to this, and now I'm absolutely stuck. Nothing works. The cells ALWAYS get erased.
Well, I hope this is a not too prolix topic. I really thank you all for any help.