I have a service listening to some events from server. A service has START_STICKY flag that makes him restart when it's killed by OS. When service receive an event i have two scenarios. First, if activity isn't killed i need to send result to local broadcast receiver and update UI. Second, if it's killed by OS i want to recreate it and send data in bundle.
But i don't know how to recognize that android killed my activity. onDestroy activity event doesn't come in this situation.
public void onComplete(CurrentOrdersResponse response) {
if (response == null) {
boolean isActivityDestroyed = mPreferences.getBoolean(MainActivity.IS_MAIN_ACTIVITY_DESTROYED_PREF_KEY, false);
if (!isActivityDestroyed)
sendResult(response.getResJSONStr(), CURRENT_ORDERS_ACTION);
else {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
int resCode = response.getResCode();
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Service resCode" + " " + resCode);